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Omega Page 5

  She didn’t consider herself a tomboy or anything. She liked to dress up and wear sparkly things, but when she decided to mark herself, she’d chosen a panther. And then there was his build.

  She was tall for a woman and was far from a bean pole, so she needed her partner to be big. He certainly fit the bill. And then some. Millie’s fingers were in motion before her mind could detail any more of his features that she liked.

  Her first attempt to access the video logs was denied. With a curse she tried again and got the same results. Wondering if she’d been locked out, she checked her email but didn’t find anything from her boss about letting her go.

  Relieved, she went back to the login screen and tried a third time. For whatever reason that time worked, and she was watching Hayden as he prowled around his cell. That was the only description she could come up with.

  He didn’t pace. His movements were fluid and graceful. And he exuded an aura of ‘no jodas conmigo’ rather than one of ‘what do I do now.’ It was the opposite of what she’d anticipated. Anyone that had been drugged, kidnapped and experimented on would have been freaking the hell out at that point.

  Instead, Hayden was pissed. His muscles rippled and sweat dotted his forehead. His short brown hair wasn’t dirty or limp. It was gorgeous. She couldn’t see the color of his clothes and she was glad. They were only a reminder of how different he looked without the tight jeans and Henley that showcased his perfect muscles.

  He paused to examine the bars for the third time. She’d bet her next paycheck that he had tried to break the bars again. She’d been surprised earlier when he had managed to bend one of them a few millimeters.

  She had been assured that nothing could damage or escape the cells constructed with the metals used. One of the first things she discovered during her research was that paranormals were stronger than the average person.

  As if he could sense her eyes on him, Hayden looked in the corner where the cameras were hidden. He shouldn’t have known they were there. One of the soldiers that worked the night shift turned the corner and stopped.

  Millie could easily imagine him pissing himself as he caught sight of Hayden in his muscle-bound glory. Keeping a distance, the guard addressed Hayden. “I need to check your bandage and change it for a fresh one.”

  Thank fuck he hadn’t turned tail and run. Millie had been insistent that happen. The last thing they needed was for him to get an infection. The idea that she might cause such discomfort in him had the rice threatening a return visit on her.

  “Fuck off.” Hayden’s curse was sharp. It seemed to be his comeback for everything. He’d said it more in the past few hours than Millie had heard in the last decade of working with soldiers.

  “Doctor Seijo told me I had to ensure your wound is properly treated. I can do this the easy way, or I can use the three darts in my gun.”

  Millie jumped to her feet and her hands balled into fists. If she were there, she would give the idiot a piece of her mind. They would get nowhere by threatening him. Hayden leaned his head through the bars. “Tell the doctor to face me herself. You can leave that, and I’ll take care of the wound myself.”

  The guard’s face pinched and his head tilted to the side. Clearly these soldiers hadn’t expected to deal with a man that looked and sounded normal. They likely thought he wasn’t capable of cleaning himself. They were so far off base.

  Hayden had more intelligence in his little finger than the guard had entirely. Talking to him would never get boring. That was one of the reasons she had never dated much. Who the hell wants to hear about what their last workout routine had been? Or some other inane topic that bored her to death. She preferred to be alone.

  Hayden’s heart raced and his cock stirred when he smelled the spicy coconut scent he associated with Millie. He was baffled that his body was able to move that much. It had been three days by his estimation since she’d run the tests on him, and he was barely able to lift his arm at this point.

  They’d changed his meals since that first dinner of watery soup. The protein shakes taste good but give him little energy. Of course, he needed far more than the three drinks they’d been giving him each day.

  Not ingesting enough food to fuel his body had left him weaker than he ever realized possible. It didn’t help that any time he expended what little energy he had and attacked the bars he was hit with one of those vile darts.

  It wasn’t until after Millie’s first round of tests that he realized there were nasty side effects of the sedatives. They made his mouth taste like rotten peaches and blurred his vision. The dead orchard he could deal with. It was everything being little more than wavy shapes that had sweat coating his body and his breaths heaving out in choppy waves.

  Never before had he not been able to see a clear picture of his surroundings. That left him feeling wide open and exposed. Anyone or anything could have come at him and he wouldn’t have known he was in danger until it was too late, so he had been awake and on high alert ever since.

  “You haven’t slept.” Her voice with its Spanish accent was an intimate caress on his battered senses.

  His eyes slipped closed of their own accord and he was finally able to take a deep breath. “As if I would while being held a prisoner. It’s not safe here. You more than proved that when you cut my chest open.” He rubbed the injury. It was still covered with gauze because it had yet to heal. Another impossibility he laid at her feet.

  If he didn’t know better, he would swear she was a dark sorceress. Thankfully, there wasn’t a single hint that she was something more than human. He’d analyzed everything from her energy signature to her scent in minute detail to be certain she wasn’t masking her true identity.

  Millie gasped and brought her hand to her chest. “You made that necessary. I told you it wouldn’t be pleasant if you didn’t cooperate.”

  “And you’re a female of your word.” That would have been an attribute if she was on his side.

  “I am a woman of my word. It’s time for more tests and I would like your cooperation. I can give you the dignity of walking on your own to my lab if you agree or I can bring Stan in and we can use the tranquilizers.” Her throat worked as she spoke. Hayden watched her closely and noticed her face was pinched and her knuckles were white. She wasn’t happy about harming him.

  Alright, so that might be wishful thinking on his part, but he was going with that delusion. It had his mind churning over ways he could seduce her so he could catch her with her guard down. That was his best shot at escaping this hell hole.

  “I’ll go peacefully, but I will not willingly allow you to slice me open. Yes, I’ve heard the guards talking about how you plan a vivisection next.” Overhearing that discussion had made him throw up the shake he’d just consumed and lose the much-needed calories.

  There was no way this female was his Fated Mate like he initially suspected. His other half would never be able to so much as consider cutting him open like that so she could play with his insides in search of the magic that fueled him. Why that left him with a broken heart he had no idea. You’ll still get her in your bed before this is through.

  “I will not harm you if you give me what I want willingly,” she promised as she withdrew a key and unlocked his cell.

  He froze in place torn between wanting to knock her out and run for it and following through on his vow. This was the first time they had done so without drugging him first. He never really expected her to follow through on that promise.

  Using his arms, he pushed to his feet and groaned. There was no way he had enough energy to fight off the soldiers in the compound and get past her. Plan B it is then. Seduction was a far more pleasant prospect anyway.

  It galled him to have to use the wall and bars to steady himself as he walked out of his cell. She gave him a wide berth and watched with pursed lips. “Down the hall and to the right.” She was pissed which only confused the hell out of him.

  He was dizzy and his heart was pounding weakly aga
inst his ribs. He didn’t have enough fueling him for it to race properly. Deciding to continue with his delusion of her liking him and not wanting to hurt him, he told himself she was angry that he hadn’t been treated better.

  He growled when he turned the corner and saw Stan standing there with two guards at his back. They were damn lucky he didn’t want to use his energy to attack them. “In that room, right?”

  “I’m surprised you remember the way. You were pretty out of it the last time you visited.” Millie passed him as he stood in the entry watching what the soldiers were going to do. She pushed a metal tray table out of the way and gestured for him to come in.

  In place of the slab that he had been on before, there was a hospital bed with the head propped up. Hayden collapsed onto the hard mattress and winced when his hip protested. How the mighty have fallen. The Omega was nearly brought to his knees by sitting down. His rage increased to epic proportions just then and the influx of adrenalin almost made him make a move.

  They would pay eventually for what they’d done to him. Right now, he needed to be smart about how he handled the situation. “What would you like this time? Another piece of my heart?”

  She chuckled and pushed the tray toward him. “I’d like some blood, but I want you to shift forms for me first, so I can test your animal.”

  Hayden shook his head side to side. “That will never happen.”

  “I thought you were going to cooperate.” Her gaze never lifted to his face as she arranged supplies on the tray.

  “I am cooperating. You can inject me if you want. Not that it will force me to shift.”

  She sighed and watched him with her arms crossed over her chest. It pushed her breasts up and together and elicited more arousal from him. His cock got semi-erect. It was the most his body could do under the circumstances.

  He decided to go with the warmth flowing through his veins. “I will have you in my bed soon enough, mi alma.” Hayden started calling Millie that in his head over the past few days but hadn’t meant to let her know he didn’t loathe her entirely. The way her eyes flared told him his mistake was working on her. “You might as well give in now so we can both have some pleasure. You won’t want another male after being in my bed.”

  Her arousal filled the space between them teasing him. “I can’t be with anyone that turns into an animal.” Her words felt like a bullet to the heart despite how softly spoken they were. It was a lie. Her body betrayed her true desires.

  He should be disgusted by her and stop pursuing intimacy to focus on finding another avenue of escape. Problem was he couldn’t stop wanting her. His plan to use her to escape then have sex with her and walk away was solid. When did sex come into the picture?

  “You don’t find me attractive?”

  “You’re good looking but you know that which is why you’re trying to use your charm to seduce me.” Her voice was soft, and her eyes glued to his mouth. Her longing pulsed between them.

  Beauty and brains. A lethal combination for Hayden. “You know you want to kiss me.”

  “Carajo Puñeta.” The curse slid from her lips easily surprising him. He pictured her as one of those cultured females that refused to sully themselves with using such crass language. But he had to admit it didn’t sound like a dirty word the way she said it.

  Hayden turned and dropped his feet off the side of the bed. She was right there and before she could step away, he bracketed her hips with his thighs and gripped her hips. The position put them eye to eye. He got lost in her dark brown depths for a second until she licked her lips.

  His gaze dropped and he leaned toward her slowly. He wanted to give her time to pull back. She would likely never admit it, but she wanted him. The scent of coconut thickened, taking on more than a hint of feminine desire.

  His fingers dug into the flesh of her hips as he pressed his mouth to hers. Electricity zapped between them and made her gasp. He took advantage and slid his tongue inside to dance along hers.

  Every stroke made his heart race faster and his cock get harder. Her flavor exploded on his taste buds. She groaned and grabbed the tops of his shoulders. He was about to deepen the kiss when she pushed him away and took a step back.

  Her chest was heaving, her eyes had brightened, and her lips were red and swollen. So. Fucking. Sexy. He couldn’t acknowledge how that kiss had been the best of his life. Or how he was already addicted to her and wanted more. None of it made sense to him.

  He took a deep breath and pulled his legs back onto the bed. Pull your head out of your ass. Right. He only felt this way because of the life and death situation he was currently in. He had never been this vulnerable before. Of course, it would heighten everything he experienced.

  Chapter 6

  You reap what you sow. Hayden was going to enjoy teaching Millie this life lesson. The infuriating female kept taking his blood and cutting into his body. His chest still hurt from where she’d cracked it open to watch his heart in action.

  He had no idea how he’d ever contemplated her being his other half. She was evil. There was no other way to look at her actions. And a superb actress to boot. The tears shining in her eyes as she sliced him open had been nothing but a ploy to try and soften him up.

  He didn’t like her. At. All. No, really, he hated her. Yeah, the lie wasn’t convincing him either. That didn’t mean he was going to betray his kind and lead her and her simple-minded soldiers to his shifters, or any other supernatural for that matter.

  He would enjoy making her pay for what she’d done to him. And how do you know she wasn’t forced? That didn’t matter. She had freewill and she chose to torment and torture him. The whispered pleas, telling him she would reward him if he just gave her what she needed.

  The incongruence in her words and actions made his head spin most days. She always used soft words and gave up on the threats to harm him more. She hadn’t, however, stopped saying she was close to capturing his friends who were looking for him. She had mastered the ability to appear torn between her duty and her desire. That was the only thing he didn’t doubt. Her attraction to him. The female was aroused by him constantly which fuzzed his mind and made it even harder for him to think straight.

  Heels clicking on the pavement made his heart race at the same time his blood heated when spicy coconut reached his nose. He clenched his teeth and ran his hand over his chest. The staples were a grim reminder of what she’d done to him.

  “I came to check on you. Will you cooperate while I examine your wound?” Why did her voice have to be like a silk caress for his senses?

  Hayden narrowed his eyes. “You mean the massive incision from where you cracked me open so you could play with my insides. I shouldn’t be surprised that you get off on beating hearts. You are one sick bitch.”

  Her eyes flared and she jerked as if he’d slapped her across the face. “I need to make sure you are healing and infection free before I leave for the night.”

  “Must be nice to have a soft bed to go home to. And real food at hand.” With care, Hayden turned and lowered his back to the hard stone. The thin blanket and flat pillow weren’t much cushion for his aching back.

  Millie knew the drill by now. If he was prone like this, he would allow her to tend to his wounds. They’d built a trust of sorts, if you’d call it that. The metal jangled as she unlocked the door and slid it open. It grated on his nerves and was, yet another reminder of his predicament.

  Her scent intensified as she got closer. Time to count the marks in the ceiling. It was easier than looking at her beautiful face. He almost caved and glanced at her when she caught her breath. It’s just another act of hers.

  Her breath caressed his face as she knelt next to him and set her bag down. Her fingers were gentle as she lifted one corner of the tape. “This is healing far faster than the wound from the initial biopsy did. Do you have enhanced healing capabilities? I wasn’t sure because you haven’t shown any consistency in that respect.”

  Hayden didn’t want to te
ll her anything. He’d wondered why he hadn’t healed as fast initially. He was so much weaker now because he wasn’t being fed, but wounds sealed faster now. “I usually heal faster than this. If you fed me properly, I would be in much better shape.”

  She winced then remained silent as she removed the dressing. “I have provided you with a supplement that provides all the minerals and nutrients you should require.” Her hands were quick and efficient as they placed a fresh cover over his incision, yet they branded him with each touch.

  “The nutrients maybe, but not even close to enough calories to survive, let alone endure the endless testing and torture.”

  She finished treating him and returned the supplies to her bag. “I am pleased to see the incision closing. It fits with the high number of cells I have seen in your samples. Let the guards know if you feel sick or start running a fever.” She cleared her throat then stood and turned to leave.

  Hayden couldn’t keep his gaze off her any more and watched her ass sway as she walked out of his cell. She closed the door and met his gaze for several tense seconds. The heat in her eyes reminded him of the time he’d kissed her. It had been brief, but he couldn’t forget how soft her mouth was or how sweet she tasted.

  Too bad he couldn’t continue to play this game with her. He needed to get out and return to his home and warn everyone the government was looking for their kind. Question was, did he still plan to take her with him?

  Yes! He had a lesson to teach her, after all.

  Hayden sat up and groaned when his head spun in circles. He had to close his eyes to keep the nausea at bay. Protein shakes had been his staple for countless days now and he was certain his body was eating itself to survive.

  He was the Omega, but he was severely weakened at this point. Biding his time and trying to seduce Millie wasn’t working. She didn’t have a heart, so the effort was completely wasted. He was through trying to get her on his side. He never should have entertained the idea to begin with.