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Omega Page 4

  You could hear a pin drop in the bustling throne room. Legette was at the table set off to the side of the hall where they usually conducted meetings. All of the knights there with him were staring at Blaine. Blaine felt the blood drop to his feet as the King narrowed his eyes on him. “I doona think I heard you right. What was it you wanted again?”

  The Queen leaned over and ran her hand up Angus’s forearm as she whispered in his ear. The King visibly relaxed, but Blaine didn’t assume he was in the clear. When Kiera sat back and shot Blaine a smile, he knew he had an ally in her.

  Blaine fell back on what he did best and spread his lips in a sensual smirk that never failed to make the females gaga. “Everyone has heard Isis proclaiming her son was forced into taking action, Sire. Initially we all took that as the rantings of an overprotective mother.” A low growl echoed through the quiet room making Blaine turn his head.

  He saw the witch in the corner of the throne room. She was wedged between several knights and had been leaning against the wall with a tapestry at her back. Her hair was waving around her face and the cloth hanging on the wall was rippling as if there was an invisible breeze. Please don’t hex me with impotence. She’d threatened him enough that the sight of her like this sent his heart racing.

  Blaine took a deep breath and pushed on. “No one has looked into his claims that Troy was possessed.”

  Isis barreled her way through the crowd that was watching the exchange with rapt attention. “That’s not what he said. If you’re going to look into this farce I would like the information to be accurate.”

  Angus sighed and turned to his assistant, Declan. “Bring Donovan here, please. I want to hear from him firsthand.” The King turned his attention back to Blaine and Isis. “I am not saying I will assign one of my top maahes to investigate, but I am willing to hear your proposal.”

  Isis stopped next to Blaine and bobbed her head. “I appreciate that Angus.” The witch had never addressed the King like the rest of Khoth. Their relationship had never been one where she was his subject. “All I have been asking is that someone look into what Donovan said about Troy. In my experience you should never ignore a complete personality change.”

  “She’s right, Sire. Every day I hear Isis and Pema discussing the spells that keep coming back empty and I can’t continue as if that isn’t significant,” Blaine explained.

  Lorne and Sloane returned with Donovan between them. Isis cried out when she saw the dark circles under her son’s eyes and the chains around his ankles. “I’m okay, mom.”

  Isis turned a glare on Angus. “This is how you treat my son, Angus? I promise you don’t want to mess with me and my sisters. We can make your life a living hell. What Cyril has done will pale in comparison.”

  Gasps filled the room from the thirty people watching. Pema and her mate, Ronan along with Braeden crossed to Isis. Braeden wrapped his arms around his mate. “Calm down, love. The King is willing to listen. Let’s have a conversation. There is no reason to burn bridges you guys have worked so hard to build.”

  Donovan’s shoulders fell even further as he squeezed his mom’s hand. “Dad is right. I don’t want you destroying this alliance. It’s important and if problems arise it will roll over onto Zander, Hayden, Evzen and Dante, as well.”

  Isis smiled at Donovan. “And Izzy.” Donovan’s face turned pink and he lowered his head.

  The King and Queen stood up and approached their group. “The last thing I want is to lose you as an ally. You and your sisters have done more to protect Khoth from the Unseelie than anyone else. I owe you more than I have given you and am profoundly sorry for that. I was too focused on my failure. I have no’ gotten past the fact that Zander and Elsie trusted me with their daughter, and she was hurt in my care.”

  Kiera grabbed one of Donovan’s hands and one of Isis’s. “I know we have let you down, but we are listening now.”

  Angus rested his palms on Kiera’s shoulders. “Tell us again what you experienced that night with Troy. I know this isna going to be pleasant for you, but we need to hear it again.”

  Donovan nodded his head up and down. “I was passing the media room and heard Izzy scream, so I rushed inside and found Troy trying to force her to…” The cambion’s words drifted off and his face turned green.

  The hall fell silent once more as everyone allowed Donovan the time to get past his revulsion. There wasn’t a soul present that didn’t understand. To force anyone into sex was reprehensible.

  “Izzy was telling Troy to stop, but he didn’t hear her. He felt different to me at that moment. There had always been something almost guarded about him, but right then he was unhinged and feral. His magic felt earthy and dark. It made my skin itch.”

  “Dragons doona have magic. You’re mistaken aboot that.” Angus’s fingers tightened on Kiera’s shoulder to the point she reached up and laid her hands over his.

  Donovan was shaking his head side to side. “I know that. That’s what I’m telling you. I hadn’t detected it before but there was undoubtedly magic in him. And before you doubt me, I have lived with the three most powerful witches in any realm. I know magic when I feel it. Troy was different.”

  “I spoke with Troy’s parents months ago and they noted the stress the training program was wearing on him. They were about to pull him out. They agonized over it but seeing him deteriorate nearly killed them. His death has left them a shell of the dragons they once were.”

  Angus started pacing in a short circuit. “Not to mention that dragons should be harder to kill.”

  “Precisely what kept bugging me,” Blaine blurted. “That coupled with Isis’s insistence and I haven’t been able to let it go.”

  “I can see your point. Like I said, I have been too damn focused on figuring out where I went wrong,” the King replied. “Are we sure there is anything there?”

  Blaine pursed his lips. The King had a point. He needed to make sure he hadn’t been unduly swayed to Isis’s side. “We can ask Blaze what he witnessed while training with Troy. The more corroboration, or not, will help ensure we have a clear picture.”

  Angus pulled his phone from his back pocket and tapped the screen. “Blaze we need you in the throne room.”

  One of the innovations Angus had returned from the Tehrex Realm with was the cell phone. They’d had computers and other tech for decades, but they hadn’t had devices that enabled them to place a call to each other across Khoth. Best part was they had video capabilities, as well. It made seducing females far easier for Blaine when he had to cancel at the last minute.

  Blaze waltzed into the hall a couple seconds later. He was a combination of his father and mother. He had Angus’s features and Kiera’s green hair and turquoise eyes. “How can I help?”

  Blaine discovered he was holding his breath while the King told him about Blaine’s request. “I’d like to know what you observed from Troy in the weeks leading up to the incident.”

  Blaze ran his hand over his chin. “he started out pretty strong but faded along the way. There were a couple times I swore he had a potion or amulet that helped him during tests, but we don’t have shops like Black Moon Sabbat that sells them, so I dismissed the idea. If you’re asking if I saw signs that he was capable of hurting Izzy like that the answer is no. I mean, it was obvious from day one that he had an interest in Izzy. Other than that, there was no indication he would become such a vile bastard.”

  “Och,” Angus growled then swept his arm in an arc. “Clear the fucking room. Now.”

  Blaine followed as everyone in the room shuffled through the open doors. “No’ you, Blaine. You stay here.”

  It was hard to believe he wasn’t in trouble given the King’s harsh tone. Blaine had adopted an attitude of live while you could after his parents had been killed by Buggane. At the moment he found it impossible to find that carefree attitude that drew all the females.

  Blaine noted Isis and her sister, and their mates stuck around along with Donovan. The second Declan clo
sed the doors, the King turned to them. “Now that Blaine forced me to pull my head oot of my arse I can see that things doona add up. We need a plan to move forward and put this behind us.”

  “And free Donovan,” Isis insisted.

  “Mom, stop. I attacked Troy without thinking and I shouldn’t have killed him. I don’t regret what I did. Angus has no choice but to keep me locked up.”

  Kiera squeezed his forearm and Blaine watched as tears gathered in the Queen’s eyes. She was the heart of the realm and balanced the King’s harsh side. “You were protecting Izzy. Angus would have done far worse if he’d walked in on that scene.” Angus grunted at his mate’s assertion. Everyone else in the room was bobbing their heads.

  “Are there any pockets of magic users we aren’t aware of in the realm?” Pema directed the question to Legette who was Angus’s second. Legette was acting King during the thousand years the King was absent and Khoth was locked down.

  Legette crossed the room to a map of the realm hung on a wall. “Aside from this half of the realm where the Buggane had taken over, we have never identified other sections with higher concentrations of mystical energy.”

  Pema nodded as if she’d expected the response. “That’s what we have learned over the past two years.” Blaine had no idea where the witch was going with this. “There is a shop in the city where a gypsy sells potions that focus on herbal remedies for common aches and pains. There is also another store where a sorcerer sells candles and crystals, but no one sells amulets or concoctions that can boost performance or give a dragon an edge up during training and tests.”

  Isis jumped in with excitement in her voice. “And there is certainly nothing available to conceal someone’s true identity. For Troy to have changed so completely, he had to hide his true nature very well. When a being is capable of harming another in such a way there are telltale signs to a supernatural’s senses. We pick up on corruption even if it’s minor.”

  “Agreed,” Blaine interjected. “I was one of his instructors and spent hours around him without catching on. Like Blaze said there were times when I picked up decay. Problem is it was gone so fast I assumed it was my imagination. Easy enough to dismiss when I spend hours everyday hunting Buggane and being surrounded by rot.”

  Donovan crossed his arms over his chest. The normally bronzed skin was pale now, and the stark grey jumpsuit didn’t help matters. “How is this going to help? It just seems like we’re spinning our wheels here. None of this will change my fate.”

  Isis cupped his cheeks. “It means you didn’t use unnecessary force and aren’t responsible for his death. If he was messing with dark magic or Unseelie potions he brought this on himself.”

  The King clapped him on the shoulder. “She’s right, son. It matters if he died because of something he did to himself. Blaine, your investigation will take priority. Legette will ensure you have plenty of time to do what’s needed to gather the information. And I want to know if Cyril is somehow luring dragons in and poisoning them with his magic.”

  “Yes, Sire. I will start right away.” Blaine met Donovan’s gaze. “I promise you I will get to the bottom of this if it’s the last thing I do.”

  “I have no idea why you are doing this, but I appreciate it. Perhaps you could sneak me a better pillow.”

  Angus threw back his head and laughed. “Doona push it, Donovan. You’re lucky I give you the strawberry ice cream Izzy sends for you. It’s a delicacy in Khoth. I could sell it and make thousands.”

  Kiera rolled her eyes. “As if you care to make money. You would never deny Izzy anything.”

  Blaine listened to the others laugh and tease Donovan while he tried to slow his breathing and calm his heart. He had no idea where he would start with this shit. His heart started racing again. What the hell had he just gotten himself into?

  Chapter 5

  Millie’s head was pounding. This afternoon hadn’t gone as she’d hoped. Carajo Puñeta. Nothing was panning out like she needed it to. Her boss was breathing down her neck to produce results. He’d been patient over the years as she gathered information and had been excited when she assured him that she’d finally located a paranormal. One that could shift from man to animal.

  And after hours of drawing blood, running tests and conducting experiments all she’d managed was to make his skin ripple. There was no doubt in her mind he had some hidden magic that allowed him to change into an animal. She had no idea which one, but she imagined it was a panther. She loved the animal and had tattooed one on her chest on a whim one night a few years ago.

  Or, given his size he could be a bear or even a massive wolf. And you think he’s going to show you his beast after you took a piece of his heart, pendeja? Her mother’s voice was always the one that challenged her when she hit a wall. She’d always been the one to push her to be better. Normally, she didn’t mind, but at the moment she hated hearing it. It made her feel like she was letting her mother down by using Hayden.

  Or perhaps it was that she felt like that because she hadn’t produced results yet. Millie shook her head. That was a pretty lie, but it wasn’t the truth. There is no way her mom would approve of her using a man just because he could turn into an animal.

  He’s not a man, Millie. He is an animal. If she truly believed that she wouldn’t drool over him every time she laid eyes on him. Or want to ride him like a pony.

  Millie lifted the cup of horchata and took a sip while she blanked her mind. None of that was getting her anywhere. It was unproductive, so she wouldn’t give it another second of her time.

  She needed to reach Hayden’s inner creature, whatever it was, and get its cooperation. And she needed to find a way to control him without using so much of the medication she’d concocted.

  She had no idea what the long-term side effects of so many of her supped-up sedatives would be on his body and his brain. If they damaged him permanently it would do her no good. She needed to limit his nutrients.

  Surely even men like him that had magic and an ability to shift forms thrived on calories and if she limited that he wouldn’t be as strong. The idea turned her stomach. She’d had to leave the building when the guards fed him a watered-down version of the chicken noodle soup that had been served in the cafeteria the day before.

  Seemed like she’d lost her damn mind because she wanted to give him her homemade arroz con grandules. There is no scenario where she should want to be making him dishes from her home country. And yet those are just a few of the thoughts she’d been battling since meeting Hayden.

  Growling at herself, she got up from her sofa and headed for the kitchen. A little man had taken up residence in her frontal lobe and was playing the drums using her grey matter at the moment.

  She grabbed the ibuprofen from a cabinet along with a glass that she filled with water. Her stomach rumbled reminding her she hadn’t eaten yet that day. She’d been too busy trying to figure out why the MRI machine produced a blurry image and what was wrong with her mass spectrometer.

  Every test she ran on Hayden was coming up either invalid or completely normal which made no sense. Millie could feel the energy emanating from him. It literally shocked her when she touched him. That was not normal by any stretch of the imagination.

  Opening the fridge, she decided on the rice that she had wanted to take to him that morning. Popping the lid, she placed the Tupperware into the microwave and took the pain relievers.

  How was she going to feed Hayden without it being cruel or raising eyebrows? Protein shakes would provide him with the necessary nutrients while allowing her to control how many calories he imbibed without Stan being a dick and giving him leftover slop.

  It wasn’t ideal. If he just cooperated with her then she could bring in treats for him. For one second she slipped into a fantasy where he shifted for her and gave her everything she needed and she in turn brought him mofongo, tostones, and pasteles.

  Fatten him up so you have bigger chunks to carve away? That wasn’t her mother that ti
me, but her own voice. Before taking Hayden as her first subject, she thought she could easily dissect a paranormal and use that knowledge to create a super soldier.

  There was always some faction or another that wanted to attack the US and they needed soldiers capable of protecting them from harm. Sacrifice was necessary for most advancements whether they be medical, scientific, technological or something like improving shampoo or make-up. That cost was more often than not time, but there had been countless medical studies that resulted in deaths. It was a known part of any experiment.

  Millie yanked the door to the microwave so hard she broke one of the hinges. Sighing, she grabbed her food and carefully closed the door. She’d have to get that fixed at some point.

  Taking the Tupperware and her water to the recliner in her living room, she tucked her laptop under her arm so she could check on the results that were due in on Hayden’s blood work.

  Millie used one hand to shovel rice into her mouth while she opened her computer and logged on with the other. She practically invented multi-tasking. Within seconds she had her email open, had logged into the computer on the base and was contemplating if she should check in on Hayden or not.

  All she had to do when the urge came over her at the lab was turn her head and she saw him on the monitor in her office. Now, she was home and would have to go into the program that would give her access.

  Before she allowed herself the indulgence, she shot a quick email to security and informed them she had a specific diet plan in mind for Subject 001 and that they should not give him anything until she arrived the next morning.

  That done, she sat back and finished her rice while thinking about how to eliminate her attraction to the hulking man. Problem was he was kinda freakin perfect in her opinion. He’d covered his body in animals which suited her just fine.