Omega Read online

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  In all of those cases the female had been just as drawn to the males. Millie should be drooling all over him and trying to get him into bed. Not glaring at him. They couldn’t be meant for each other.

  “What do you want with me? You know kidnapping is illegal.” Convincing her to release him was a longshot, but he had to try.

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Who do you think will say anything? The government is behind these experiments. You’re priceless to them. With you, they will finally be able to create a super-soldier. I’ll be given awards and accolades for my work, sangano.”

  He’d known someone powerful was behind her actions. He’d hoped it was a company rather than the United States Government. That would make things much harder.

  Hayden growled and watched her shake. He hoped he frightened her. “You won’t get away with this. My friends are powerful and will find me and make you pay.”

  “I’m counting on it. After all we can’t do proper studies with only one subject.” With that last promise Millie turned and walked away. And Hayden watched her ass sway with every step.

  He was in deep shit because his desire for her hadn’t diminished in the least. You can fuck her before you make her pay when you get out of here.

  Chapter 2

  “What the fuck do you mean Hayden is missing? Are you sure he isna in a female’s bed?” Zander ran a hand through his hair and tried to slow his rapid heartbeat.

  He didn’t have time for this shit. He hadn’t been back from New York for more than a few hours and he needed to investigate what the hell was going on with his daughter’s power. He still sensed the Goddesses blessing within her, but her energy was decidedly different since returning from Khoth.

  He should never have let her stay there without him or Elsie. At the time it seemed like the best decision. They visited her often and trusted Angus to raise her with a fair, steady hand. And he had. He was probably one of a few he would trust with such an important job.

  He’d run Zeum with an iron fist for over a century. Nate had done a decent job, but he was nowhere near the level of competence as Angus had been. Zander knew it wasn’t the fact that Izzy had remained in Khoth.

  It was what that asshole had done to her. The vile dragon shifter had done such a good job of hiding his true core that no one knew the darkness he held inside until Donovan had killed him for attacking Zander’s little girl.

  The fucker was lucky Donovan got to him first. Zander would have torn him to tiny shreds slowly. There wouldn’t have been enough left to give to his grieving parents.

  Evzen sighed and tugged Zander out of thoughts that would get him tangled into knots. “The alpha in Virginia lost track of him last night and no one can locate him.”

  Zander narrowed his eyes. “It shouldna be possible for a shifter to lose the scent of their Omega. Have you tried to scry for him?”

  Evzen crossed his arms over his chest. “Of course, I tried to scry for him. We did that right before I opened the portal for your return. I hit some kind of static.”

  “None of this makes any sense. He canna be dead. We would have felt the ripple when his mantle released, so where the fuck is he?” Zander’s head pounded and all he wanted to do was grab a drink and his mate and retreat to their rooms. Of course, his son wouldn’t allow them a moment of peace.

  The sound of a woodpecker hitting his beak against a tree trunk echoed through the room as Killian’s fingers flew over the keyboard. Zander hadn’t noticed the sorcerer when he’d walked in the war room.

  Killian paused and looked up at him. “I’ve been searching for his cell phone. It went offline shortly after midnight.”

  “Och,” Zander reached for patience, his Scottish brogue thickening with his exhaustion. For the last decade it had been one thing after another. He wanted to believe shit was going to hit a turning point in their war against Lucifer and his demons soon, but he wasn’t an idiot. It was building to something but that didn’t mean it was going to end any time soon. “Sounds like we need to go to Virginia.”

  Evzen nodded his head. “That’s the best place to start. We might need to retrace his steps for the past week to get a good idea where he went and who he encountered.”

  “Is there a new archdemon on the east coast? They’re the only ones that would stalk a shifter as powerful as the Omega,” Killian pointed out as he sat back and swiveled in his chair.

  Nate entered the room at that point followed by Elsie and Izzy who was eating etouffee. At least that’s what it smelled like to Zander. No doubt his mate had made it. Her Cajun food rivaled the best chef’s in New Orleans.

  Nate set the tray of snacks on the large wooden conference table. Zander embraced Elsie and pressed his lips to hers. Arousal flared to life instantly, making him want to carry his mate to their bed. It had been this way since the moment they met. It took great effort for him not to deepen the kiss and follow his instincts.

  Zander kept Elsie close as he refocused on Killian’s question. “We faced a new archdemon in New York. I’d bet there are more up and doon the coast. But why would they target Hayden? And how are they keeping him from us? His shifters should still be able to locate him.”

  Elsie’s hand rubbed his abdomen in an attempt to soothe his rising frustration. He hated when she handled him. And loved it at the same time. “I don’t think it’s a demon.”

  Izzy set the empty bowl down and flopped onto a chair. Zander’s heart ached at the absence of her smiles. She could get Gerrick to laugh with ease. Something no one other than his mate, Shae could manage. “That’s not their MO unless you’re the embodiment of the Goddess and since I seem to have fallen out of favor they’re likely roaming around aimlessly.”

  Elsie released Zander and hurried to their daughter’s side. “Don’t say that. You haven’t lost her. She gifted you part of herself. That’s not something she would take away.”

  Izzy rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to say that mom. I’m happy I’m not the focus of every demon on Earth any more. I can walk outside without the danger of being discovered and kidnapped. I’ve experienced enough Hell to last me a hundred lifetimes. My point is demons wouldn’t bother hunting Hayden and pouring their energy into keeping him hidden from us. They know we will retaliate.”

  Zander grabbed a burrito from the tray. He might not get the chance to eat later. This shit wasn’t going to be simple. “You have a point about that. We’ve killed enough of them to leave no doubt what we would do. Maybe they took him to the Underworld. That could be why we can’t locate him.”

  “There is no way he would go along with this amicably. It is far more likely that Sterling is behind this. He held me and Bhric captive and we couldn’t communicate with anyone outside the cell. We lost Nico because there was something linking his dungeon to the Underworld. It suppressed our supernatural abilities,” Evzen pointed out.

  “Shite. That arsehole better not be causing problems again. I swear to the Goddess we had better find him and soon. We have enough on our plates with the demons and Lucifer.” Zander took a bite of the burrito and snagged some salsa.

  Killian’s fingers were flying over the keyboard again. “There have been reports of Angel’s Kiss appearing all over Europe. I think he’s tired of us always finding him.”

  “I’ll tell Braelyn he seems to be in Europe. She might have some tips on where to search for him there,” Evzen offered with a big smile. Zander wasn’t sure if it was for his mate or because the thought of finally getting his hands-on Sterling was satisfying.

  The smile disappeared and Evzen shook his head from side to side. “I’m wrong. It isn’t Sterling. We have kept him on the run for over a year. Braelyn’s knowledge has allowed us to stay one step ahead of him. He doesn’t have access to most of his resources and hasn’t had the time to create another dungeon. Something that will keep us out would take significant effort and the spells have to be layered over many months, possibly even years.”

  “We are no’ going
to discover anything more withoot doing onsite investigations. Have you set up with the alpha to portal directly to their mess hall?” Zander set his uneaten food down and wrapped his arms around Elsie from behind.

  Evzen’s head bobbed up and down. “As soon as you’re ready I’ll open it.”

  Elsie turned in his embrace and tilted her head back. “Be careful. We have no idea what you guys will encounter. Whatever happened to Hayden is enough to take any of you out.”

  “I’ll be there to help keep him safe, mom. And Evzen and Killian are coming, as well. Should we take Bhric, too?” Zander’s head whipped around to land on his daughter. He liked that she wanted to be close to him but hated having her out and about. It would be their luck that whatever was dampening her signature would disappear and she would become a giant neon sign for every demon to follow.

  Killian stood from the desk where he’d been working his magic on the computer. “Bhric would be a good addition to our group. His power over ice is always handy in a fight.”

  Zander nodded in agreement and opened the mental channel he had with his brother. Ever since his siblings had mated, he used his ability to speak telepathically with them sparingly. He had no desire to intrude during intimate moments.

  “Aye, brathair. What do you need?” Bhric’s mental voice was alert and attentive. Thank the Goddess he didn’t seem to be having sex.

  “Hayden went missing in Virginia. We’re going to search for him, and we need you to join us.”

  “I’ll be there in five. I just need to send Alex a message.”

  Zander closed the channel and crossed to the side table where he’d removed his weapons an hour ago. “Bhric will be doon soon.”

  After stowing all of the blades on his body, he extended his hand to Elsie and twined their hands together. By the time he entered the entryway Nate was coming from the back of the house with a stack of leather clothes.

  “I have your leathers, Izzy. And I brought fighting gear for you Evzen and you Killian.”

  Izzy took the dark red pile with a smile. “Thanks Nate.” His daughter disappeared into a bathroom while Evzen lifted the pair of pants.

  “Oooo, Dimples,” Teagan called out as she walked out of the kitchen with Cailyn, Braelyn and the kids in tow. “Be sure not to ruin those. I want to see you in them later.”

  The females in the area laughed and started discussing the appeal of leather. Zander tried to tune them out. It reminded him of the time Elsie was in the hospital and had run her hands over his pants while imagining all kinds of erotic play with him.

  Pounding footsteps stopped all talk. Bhric was texting while walking. A dangerous activity for sure. Especially when preoccupied with your Fated Mate which it was obvious Bhric was at the moment.

  “We’re all here,” Zander told Evzen who immediately conjured his staff.

  The Guild Master was already casting the portal spell with Braelyn before Zander had even said goodbye to Elsie. Zander hugged his mate and kissed her deeply. Thankfully, their daughter bounced out of the bathroom.

  Izzy headed right for the swirling aurora borealis of lights surrounding the oval that showed an empty hall and countless tables and chairs. “Bye mom. See you soon, Cian.” Zander’s heart clenched at the sight of his daughter kneeling to ruffle his son’s hair before giving Brantley a high five and waving to Liam and Maddox. “I’ll see you guys on the other side.”

  Zander released Elsie and followed Izzy, leaving the others to say goodbye. Energy surrounded him. Wind ripped at his hair and clothing while energy traveled across his body. The noise was deafening as the magic transported him. He’d taken enough portals in the past three years to become intimately familiar with the process.

  It seemed to take far longer to go from Zeum to Virginia, but in reality, it occurred between one step and the next. Within seconds Bhric, Evzen and Killian had joined them in the mess hall.

  “You must be Jason,” Zander said as he held his hand out to the male. He was standing next to a female with blonde hair and green eyes. Given the possessive gleam in his eyes, Zander had to guess the female was the alpha’s Fated Mate.

  Jason bowed. “Welcome to Virginia. Thank you for coming so quickly.”

  Zander inclined his head. “You can fill us in on the way to the bar. We need to try and trace Hayden’s steps right away.”

  Everyone followed the alpha to the waiting vehicles. Jason updated them on what they’d done to try and find Hayden as they drove into town. The undercurrent of panic that exuded from the alpha was understandable.

  Hayden not only united shifters, but he also fed them energy and kept them grounded. Zander did something similar for vampires. It was why his subjects had started acting out when he was away on Khoth.

  Zander’s eyes widened when they pulled into the parking lot of a country western bar. It was human owned and run and there was nothing special about it. To his surprise there wasn’t one hint of a demonic presence.

  “It wasn’t a demon that took him,” Izzy announced as if she’d heard his thoughts.

  “Okay. What else would be powerful enough?”

  Everyone looked at Killian, but no one opened their mouths. Zander processed for a few seconds, but nothing plausible jumped out at him. “The only explanation that makes sense is that Hayden is either there willingly or a powerful magic user is responsible. They’re the only ones capable of casting the necessary spells.”

  Evzen nodded in agreement with Zander’s supposition. “I’m going to see if I can get anything from the environment.” Before the Guild Master had finished speaking his staff was in his hand. Lightning flashed across the sky as he called out, “nochdaidh.”

  Fog rolled in and surrounded them, making Zander close the distance to his daughter. It didn’t matter that this was a normal part of Evzen’s spell. He would never take any chances with Izzy.

  Lightning continued and wind howled around them. The sound was loud and unmistakable. If the humans caught sight of the isolated storm, they would freak the hell out. Zander wondered if he should have gone into the bar and told them to stay put.

  Before Zander could respond to his silent concern about being discovered the lighting froze and lights flashed in the fog. The lights transitioned into images and they all watched a female sauntering toward Hayden. She had long black hair and deep brown eyes.

  Her hips swayed and the look on Hayden’s face was unmistakable. He wanted this female. He was enchanted by her. In over seven hundred years, Zander had never seen such intense desire in his friend’s gaze.

  “Did he find his Fated Mate?” Evzen’s voice shattered the spell and the fog disappeared along with the lights and wind.

  Zander turned to Evzen. “Sure seems like it. Although why can’t his shifters feel him?”

  The alpha rubbed his chest. “We never give him a moment of peace. Perhaps he could have blocked everything else out so he could bond with his mate.”

  The responsibilities of being leader were all encompassing and often derailed plans he had to enjoy Elsie. But he couldn’t imagine cutting his subjects off completely like Hayden had done.

  Of course, Zander couldn’t imagine considering what Hayden wanted either. The Goddess instructed them to remain secret for reasons and Hayden had been trying to betray that and tell the humans for years now.

  Zander shrugged and stalked to the car. “It would have been nice of him to let Zeke know. He sent us all on a wild goose chase for no reason.”

  Zander was pissed, but not entirely at Hayden. This explanation didn’t quite fit in his opinion. He wasn’t dismissing this entirely but would let it go for now.

  Chapter 3

  He’s not strapped down for your pleasure! If only the silent reprimand worked to peel Millie’s eyes off the sexy beast on her table. Hayden was the perfect male specimen. He was built like a body builder, stacked with muscles. Aside from him having a better physique was that his skin was a natural bronze and not that fake-n-bake orange of most in that scen

  She had jumped with excitement when her contacts at the CIA called to tell her that Hayden had been in their office assuring them that supernaturals existed. It was the break she had needed, and she’d started investigating him right away.

  Her parents had told her countless times when she was a child how special she was and that she was destined for greatness. After all she was a miracle. That’s why they named her Milagro. She never should have survived to term or been born, but she was. Every day of her life her mother told her she was destined for greatness and would do something miraculous.

  Talk about pressure. It was something she had always lived with. It was what drove her to medical school and into research. Her mother had been disappointed at first when Millie had left her surgical residency program but eventually saw the bigger picture of what she was hoping to accomplish.

  Most of the anguish she lived with was self-created. She hated the idea of letting her mother down, so she always pushed herself to be better and do more. She never stopped trying to live up to her mom’s expectation of magnificence at the same time she had to follow this path. It was almost like a compulsion she couldn’t ignore.

  Science was her passion. What she was doing for the military was just a job. When Jack had approached her about joining his company, she wasn’t onboard until he explained her work on creating a super soldier would be expanded to helping cure diseases, as well. She had worked hard to get where she was. She was so close. She felt it all the way to her bones. She was going to be the doctor that cured cancer.

  Hayden Jessaray was going to be her crowning glory and get her everything she had worked so hard for. Her mother would finally tell her she was proud of her. If you can stop drooling over the guy. He’s not even fully human, Millie!

  Shaking her head, she checked the monitors to see if the medication was still keeping him sedated. They had to use quadruple the dosage for large animals and even then, they needed to use a blended version of the drugs.