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Hollow Rock Shifters Book 6
Brenda Trim
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors’ Note
Don’t miss out!
Copyright © 2020 by Brenda Trim
Editor: Chris Cain
Cover Art by Madison Trim
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writers’ imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.
WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction of this work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the authors.
Created with Vellum
When I gaze into the eyes of your wolf, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I recognize a friend. I feel your soul, and it stirs something deep within. ~Zane Walker
Chapter 1
Brenlee Scott stared at the charred remains of Jeremiah’s house, and the large wooden cross in front of it. Strapped to the cross was a wolf made from stuffing and faux fur. Its head was a vinyl mask depicting the bloody face of a wolf that probably belonged to a Halloween costume. A sign was sewn to the chest of the animal saying Leave Hollow Rock or Die.
It was a haunting scene, and it terrified Brenlee to think someone, or a group of people, hated them that much. Smoke rose from the pile of rubble, filling the night sky with the scent of burnt wood, plastic, and toxins. It assaulted her sensitive nose, making her cover the lower half of her face with her sleeve.
The cold air only added to the ominous atmosphere, and a shiver ran down her spine. It seemed she was losing another home, and she had no idea where they’d seek refuge next time.
Thankfully, Jeremiah managed to salvage a few of his belongings that held sentimental value, but everything else in the home was destroyed, including his furniture, spare clothing, and other treasures. Brenlee felt incredibly sad for the male. She couldn’t imagine losing everything she owned. It floored her that someone intentionally set fire to the shifter’s home.
Thankfully, no one was inside when it happened. The Hollow Rock pack lived at Safe Haven, a hotel located on the adjacent property, and Jeremiah’s house was mainly used by the females during their heat cycles. It was safer for them, and the males, if the volatile, sexually charged females kept their distance during the unpredictable period.
Brenlee watched as her brother, Lawson, patrolled the perimeter of the building, checking for any hot spots that needed dousing. The water hose was draped over his shoulder as he sprayed any areas of concern. Brenlee could see the burning rage in his steel gray eyes, and she walked over and stood by his side.
“Hey, are you doing okay?” she asked and placed a hand on her brother’s shoulder.
Lawson’s gaze met hers. “No, I’m not. I’m fucking pissed. When I find out who did this, they’re dead,” he gritted through clenched teeth as he dispersed water onto the red embers.
This was one of those times she wished their father was alive. She missed her parents more than anything. Their deaths had a profound effect on the entire family, and there wasn’t a day she didn’t think of them.
If Pops was around, he’d know exactly what to do in this situation. He was wise beyond his years and Brenlee credited her mother for that. She grounded their father and nurtured the compassionate side of the formidable leader.
Not that Lawson wasn’t a proficient alpha. He was. Her brother possessed all the qualities needed to lead a pack. She’d watched him rise to the challenge and she couldn’t be prouder of him. Still, she wished her father was there to guide them during this tumultuous time.
“So, what now?” she asked.
“First, I’m going to ensure that whoever comes to Safe Haven feels protected. Starting tomorrow, we’ll build a gate around the property. I’d considered doing it before this happened, but tonight made me realize there is no other choice. No one will be on our land without permission. That,” he declared, and pointed to the blackened cross, “was meant to scare us away. Not gonna happen.” Lawson’s anger got the best of him and he spat then kicked the wooden structure with his boot. The tall cross toppled toward the pile of rubble, landing with a loud thud.
“I need to go back to Safe Haven and check on Liv,” Lawson told her as he twisted the nozzle on the hose, turning off its water supply.
“Okay. See you in a bit,” Brenlee replied before he turned and walked toward one of the four-wheelers parked nearby. It was the easiest way to travel on the property, so Lawson had purchased several for the shifters to use as needed.
Brenlee watched her brother drive off. She knew Lawson meant every word. He was a fair and just male until he felt crossed. When that happened, look out. An alpha male was fierce and protective of those he loved. Throw in a pregnant mate and those attributes were taken up a thousand notches. And, she had known few males as determined as her brother.
She glanced around the property. Several pack members had joined the effort, smothering the last of the flames. Her oldest brother, Ryan, was there. He was accompanied by Knox, Devin, Jeremiah, and Zane. As soon as the shifters realized there was a fire on Jeremiah’s property, they had rushed to his house and tried to salvage what they could.
She watched Zane, curious about the newcomer. He wasn’t a shifter, but by his account Zane was a descendant of wolves. His great-grandmother was a shifter who mated with a human, and apparently the shifter DNA was weakened with each subsequent generation. Shifter genes typically dominated human genetics, but the attractive male unfortunately wasn’t one of them. It was confounding, to say the least.
Despite the fact he wasn’t a shifter, Zane had sought them out when he heard Erika had been accused of murder and was standing trial. He’d insisted on helping with her case and then stuck around after the not guilty verdict was handed down. She expected the attorney to rush back to North Carolina where he lived and worked, but he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to return home. It was a pleasant, but confusing surprise. The only explanation that made any sense to her was that he was avoiding something, or someone back home.
“He’s quite the specimen,” intruded a familiar voice. Brenlee glanced over to see her sister Haylee, eying Zane.
“I guess,” she replied before turning back to peruse the male.
Zane was tall for a human, at about six foot two. Then there were his broad shoulders and muscular chest. The latter was currently filling out his long sleeve t-shirt quite nicely. His dark brown hair was buzzed almost to the scalp on the sides and back, and his typically gelled bangs had fallen into his face during the past few hours of exertion. Looking at him now, Brenlee acknowledged she preferred his rugged look to the conservative suit and tie he normally wore.
“You guess? Are you blind, sista?” Haylee spouted then groaned when Zane bent over and provided them with a nice view of his rear end. “Mmm, mama need,” her sister muttere
d and licked her lips.
Brenlee laughed and shook her head. “Go for it,” she suggested with a nudge to her sister’s arm.
“If he sticks around, I will,” Haylee countered with a grin.
As if Zane knew he was the subject of conversation, he looked up and right at them then smiled. Haylee motioned for him to come over, and he tossed his shovel aside as he made his way toward them. His swagger was confident and sure. There was no way Brenlee could deny his sex appeal.
Movement caught her eye, and she glanced past Zane to see Erika and Bart heading toward them, as well. “Hey, you two. Can you believe this?” Brenlee asked the couple when they approached.
Bart Smith was the governor of Tennessee, but after his recent involvement with wolf shifter Erika, the citizens demanded he resign. Brenlee wasn’t sure of his plans, but it was clear he cared deeply for Erika. Humans were very different from shifters, but he seemed as possessive as any of the males in their pack. She’d bet her next paycheck Bart would never walk away from Erika to save his job.
“I’m speechless. Does Lawson know who might’ve done this?” Erika asked.
“I don’t think so. He told me he wants to build a gate around the property.” It was a challenge for Brenlee to stay with the conversation when Zane’s arm brushed against hers. Part of her noted that he was standing awfully close considering they barely knew one another while another part was thrilled at the closeness.
“I received a call from my realtor a few days ago.” Bart stared into the distance. “The property on the opposite side of Safe Haven is up for sale. It’s twice as big as these two locations combined. I’ve been so busy with Erika’s case that I haven’t had time to discuss it with Lawson, but I will. I think it would be wise to grab it while we can.” Bart wrapped his arm around Erika’s shoulder.
Erika snuggled into Bart’s side. “Especially, since you’ll be living here.” Brenlee wondered why Bart was moving to Safe Haven.
“What? Are you two getting mated?” Brenlee couldn’t help but hope that was the case for Erika’s sake. Bart made his feelings known when Erika was in jail, vowing his devotion and love for the shifter. Brenlee assumed the couple wouldn’t hesitate to make their relationship official now that the charges had been dropped against Erika.
“Let’s not jump the gun.” Erika gazed at Bart with nothing but love in her eyes.
Brenlee watched the couple and surmised that it wouldn’t be long before Erika shared her life force with Bart, and she was beyond happy for the female. Erika’d had a tough life before she arrived at Safe Haven and deserved a slice of happiness.
“Don’t worry. It’ll happen.” Bart kissed Erika on her cheek.
“Welcome to the fam,” Haylee announced then turned to Zane. “So, are you sticking around, as well?” Brenlee didn’t like when her sister batted her eyes flirtatiously.
“I’m not sure. I need to get back to North Carolina and talk with my family. My practice is there, so it’s a tough decision to make,” he replied to her sister while his gaze met Brenlee’s. He stared at her as if seeking her opinion which made no sense. And, why did she have the urge to ask him to stay? For her sister’s sake, perhaps. Sure he was sex on a stick, but that didn’t mean shit in the bigger picture.
“But, we’re so much fun,” Haylee insinuated and laced her arm through his. “You must come back.”
Zane blushed at her sister’s comment, and yet he continued to stare at Brenlee. “No argument there. I’d like to return at some point. You’ve all been great,” Zane told them.
“Um, I should head back to the hotel and see if Ashley needs my help. She is cooking a huge pot of beef stew and cornbread, so everyone would have a hearty meal when they’re finished here,” Brenlee shared with the group then turned to leave.
“The fire is under control now,” Knox, a male pack member said as he approached the group. “I think we can call it a night.”
Zane grabbed Brenlee’s hand and spun her around. “Want to ride back together? Looks like we’re short on four-wheelers,” he cajoled with a crooked grin before he averted his gaze. She fought the urge to brush the hair away that fell over one eye as he glanced down and kicked the dirt with his boot. If Brenlee didn’t know better, she’d say he was nervous.
“I don’t mind walking over with Erika and Bart,” she answered and looked to Haylee. “My sister could probably use a ride though.”
“Oh, okay,” he muttered. For some reason he was disappointed by her comment. Her sensitive nose smelled it and she heard it in his tone. “Haylee, you need a lift?” Zane turned away and asked.
“Actually, I need to talk with Bart about something, but thanks. See you back at the hotel,” Haylee replied, and Zane nodded then made his way to one of the ATVs.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Haylee grabbed Brenlee by the arm and pulled her to the side. “What’s your problem? That male is into you. Go get on that four-wheeler, and take him for a wild ride,” she encouraged, shimmying her hips.
“I thought you were interested,” Brenlee countered with a tilt of her head.
“Not when the guy only has eyes for you. Now go before he leaves,” her sister ordered and pushed her toward the area where the vehicles were parked.
Brenlee stood and crossed her arms, but Haylee gave her the death stare. “Fine,” Brenlee huffed and walked toward Zane.
As she approached, he turned and smiled. She noted his teeth were slightly crooked, but it gave his face character, and she couldn’t help but smile in return. Why was she doing this again? Oh, yeah, because her sister was a damn bully.
“Mind giving me a ride back?” she asked with a shrug.
“I knew you’d change your mind,” he joked and scooted forward to give her room.
Brenlee hopped on the back of the seat and wrapped her arms around his waist. It had been years since she dated anyone, and it felt odd to be this close to a male. Not that they were on a date, but it felt intimate sitting this close to Zane.
He cranked the ATV and looked over his shoulder at her. “You might want to hold tighter,” he warned with a devious grin and in the next breath, they were racing through the forest toward Safe Haven.
She’d never gone so fast on the four-wheeler and more than once, Brenlee thought they would crash into a tree. Thankfully, each time Zane swerved at the last second avoiding a collision. She screamed so loud she was certain her eardrums would burst. Twigs snapped beneath the tires as the ATV marked its territory, leaving deep trenches in the ground. He revved the engine, and Brenlee felt the vibration throughout her entire body. It was exhilarating as hell and her wolf howled in her mind, demanding she shift so she could race the powerful machine.
Brenlee ignored her wolf and tightened her grip around Zane’s waist. “Faster!” she yelled. Zane whooped in response and pressed the accelerated, making the machine’s speed increase.
The trees became a blur as they whipped through the forest. Brenlee’s laugh echoed into the night, and her hair whipped against her face. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had this much fun.
Disappointment assailed her when she spotted the hotel up ahead. She didn’t want the ride to end and lowered her cheek to his back as the ATV hit the last stretch toward home. His masculine scent washed over her, and she inhaled deeply. It would be nice to enjoy the company of a male, especially one as handsome and fun as Zane.
But there was one major problem with Zane, and she couldn’t ignore it. He was human.
Not that Brenlee had anything against the species. Her brothers, Lawson and Ryan, were mated to wonderful humans. In fact, she couldn’t imagine a more perfect fit for either of them. But she had dreamed her entire life of having the kind of relationship she saw in her parents. Theirs was the most devoted and loving union she’d ever seen. It was something only two shifters could share. There was no denying that the connection with a human was just different. And she wanted what her parents had with each other. It was her gold standard.
br /> She needed a male that understood what it meant to be a wolf. Not many would be comfortable with her being stronger than they were. Plus, she wanted to shift with her mate and share every aspect of their lives with each other. That could never happen with a human, no matter how wonderful he was. And, she refused to settle for less. Settling would only bring misery for both parties.
Zane used his key and unlocked the front door. Stepping inside he yelled, “Anybody home?”
His mom poked her head through the kitchen doorway. “We’re in here!”
Zane smiled as the smell of blueberry muffins infiltrated his nostrils, and his stomach rumbled in reply. He’d picked the right day to return home that was for sure. Bee-lining for the kitchen, he grabbed his mom in a tight squeeze, making her cry out and laugh at the same time.
“See? I told you he wasn’t dead,” intruded his dad’s gruff voice.
Zane glanced over and watched his father take a long drag of his E-Cig. That shit was poisonous. The person inhaled metal that shredded their lungs. Zane had to bite back the lecture on the tip of his tongue.
It was obvious his dad wasn’t going to quit anytime soon, so he had to set his feelings aside. His dad was playing solitaire. The sight was a typical Sunday in the Walker house. His mom cooked all day and his dad kept her company by playing cards at the small kitchen table.
“Is that mom’s cooking I smell?” Zane asked eagerly, making his dad grin widely. He couldn’t count how many times he’d walked into his parent’s home and assumed his mom was baking something, only to find out it was his dad’s latest nicotine flavor.