Omega Read online

Page 12

  “We can stand around here guessing about what the fuck happened and why he was taking this potion until we are blue in the face. I want to know what will get my son out of jail. None of this is helping him any.”

  Glasses tipped over on the table and pictures crashed to the floor in a shower of glass at the same time a crack spread from her feet to the door. Blaine could hear lightbulbs shattering in the hall. Thankfully the throne room was the only space that hadn’t been updated. The old school atmosphere spoke to Cuelebre heritage and a time before the King was shut out of Khoth, so no one had wanted to change the space.

  Braeden approached his mate and gathered her in his arms. “Calm down, love. We don’t want to bring Tatanen down on our son’s head, do we? That’s it,” he cooed as the earthquake slowed and the shaking lessened.

  Angus stood off to the side with his arms crossed over his chest. “I canna know how difficult this is for you, Isis. And I take no pleasure in keeping him incarcerated, but he used lethal force against a dragon when he could have subdued him. Unless we discover he didn’t kill a Cuelebre, then I canna release him.”

  In other words, he would never be freed from his cell. Blaine inched his way out of the throne room, not wanting to be present when the witch lost her shit. To his surprise the destruction stopped entirely as she started wailing.

  The sound carried a lifetime of anguish and broke Blaine’s heart. Isis’s agony spread like a fog throughout the room consuming every ounce of joy in its wake. It firmed Blaine’s resolve to find some way to help this family. No one should live with this much pain.

  Chapter 13

  Hayden’s mind was blank for several long seconds. Milagro is my Fated fucking Mate! He shouldn’t be surprised. He’d had suspicions from the moment he met the female. The problem was so much had happened since then and he’d worked through his doubts, certain he had been right about her not being his one.

  He invited so much hatred and anger into his heart where she was concerned that now it colored his view of her. He wouldn’t forsake her because he couldn’t. His beasts would literally go insane if he denied them their Fated Mate, but he was going to have to do a lot of thinking. And have one very uncomfortable conversation.

  Hayden glanced in the dresser for something to wear. He had no desire to talk to his mate naked. It was going to be difficult enough as it was to keep from taking her again. Even now his libido was on overdrive and the small sweats were even tighter with his erection stuffed down one of the legs.

  Thank the Goddess the pain of his mating mark dimmed that discomfort somewhat. He placed a hand over the throbbing animal on his rib cage. When he lifted it and looked in the mirror over the dresser, he was surprised to see an odd mash-up of animals. He’d never seen a mating mark so unpleasant before.

  He supposed it was what he deserved for questioning the Goddess and going against her orders. Shaking his head, he tugged the tight cotton tee over his head and left the room. His aches and pains were fading as he descended. Before sex with Millie he’d healed, but since the moment he felt the knot forming in his cock his healing had kicked into high gear.

  Millie was in the kitchen pulling stuff from the fridge. Hayden took a moment to appreciate her backside as she bent over. A groan left him when his erection returned full force. Millie gasped and stood up then whirled around.

  “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  Millie shook her head and waved her hand frantically. “It’s me. I can’t stop thinking about how karma always has its way, and Jack will find me and take me to jail for what I’ve done to you.”

  “We need to talk about that.”

  “You don’t need to say it. Jack might never find me after you’re through with me, right? I get it. What I did was unforgivable. My mother would be disappointed that I let her down. Seems I was destined to fuck up in an extraordinary way.”

  Hayden crossed to her and grabbed her hands. “Don’t ever talk about my mate like that.” Knowing she belonged to him, he didn’t bother shielding his mantle any more. His heart settled and his shoulders relaxed when his animals prowled beneath his skin.

  The sensation was comforting, as was the noise inside his head. He’d learned to tune it out long ago and he found it easy to keep that awareness separate, so he was able to function and remain aware of his immediate surroundings, as well as his shifters.

  “I believe fate played a hand in bringing us together. I can’t deny that I am still pissed about what you did. It shouldn’t have been possible. I thought the connection between mates was strong enough to stop you from doing something so horrific.”

  “I need you to back up. I’m pretty sure I know what you mean by mates, but I need you to explain it to me.” Hayden was taken back by the vulnerability in her eyes. She meant what she said about feeling bad about her choices.

  Hayden needed to feed his mate. He couldn’t see to all of her needs at the moment, so he decided to address what he could. Her stomach grumbled at the same time she nibbled on her bottom lip with misery evident in her eyes and scent.

  He led her to a stool at the island and sat her down then took stock of what she’d already grabbed and started making her a sandwich. “I suppose the first thing you should know is supernaturals like myself were created by the Goddess Morrigan and she gifted us with our other perfect half. Our Fated Mate. As mine, you carry a piece of my soul and I carry a piece of yours. We were literally made for each other.” That was a simplified version, but he wasn’t entirely certain how much he could share with her.

  He placed the ham sandwich in front of her and started making one for himself. She took a bite and watched him closely for several seconds before she responded. “There’s more you aren’t telling me which I understand. Focusing on what you shared with me I am relieved. I hadn’t understood the familiarity I felt when we met or the draw that kept me second guessing every move I made.”

  She grimaced and ran a hand over the back of her neck. “That makes me sound like I enjoy torture and have harmed countless people. That’s not the case at all. But I never had a problem studying plants, animals, and to a certain degree human beings; to understand disease and the role it played in our bodies. As well as ways to improve things such as eyesight, healing and vision.”

  Hayden grunted not caring to hear about her work. He knew he’d have to get over it at some point, but he wasn’t there yet. “There is a lot at play here and I will tell you more, but right now I need to contact Zander. He and the rest of the council won’t stop hunting for me until they find me.”

  Millie bobbed her head. “My cell isn’t safe, so I disabled tracking before we left and tossed it out when I stopped to let you out of the trunk. I never thought to pick up a burner.”

  “Is there wifi in the house?” He knew she had her computer with her. He’d seen it in her bag. If there was internet access, he’d be able to connect with the Vampire King.

  “Yeah, but I don’t know if Jack will be able to track me through the thing. I know unconnected it isn’t a threat, but I can’t say we will be safe if we link it to the web.” She could have given it to him and said nothing more. The fact that she had warned him meant she truly was sorry for what she’d done. It helped Hayden get over more of his anger.

  Hayden ate the rest of his sandwich as he scanned the large room. He crossed to pick up her bag when he saw it on a side table. “Killian will ensure we can’t be tracked. I just need to access the site he set up.”

  He pulled the computer out and set it on the island along with the satchel. Millie got up and removed a piece of paper from the side of the fridge then handed it to him. “I trust you not to get us caught. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  Hayden shook his head as he connected to the house’s wifi then logged into the council meeting room on TRex. Thank fuck Kill had insisted on creating the social media site for supernaturals.

  “Just be prepared for the Vampire King’s wrath. His daughter was in a dangerous situation
with those soldiers and he won’t take kindly to that.”

  Millie’s shoulders visibly shook. “Maybe I should just go. I have no idea where, but I promise not to say anything about your location.”

  Hayden sent the message to Kill then crossed to Millie. “You aren’t going anywhere. You’re mine and I will never let you go again. But don’t worry I won’t allow anything to happen to you.”

  A smile spread over her face as her body softened against his. “I am yours. And it won’t matter if they hate me for what I did. All that matters is you don’t.” More of the ice melted as Hayden hissed in a breath when she lifted her hands to his chest and one brushed over his mating brand.

  Millie’s eyes went wide, and she yanked her hands away. “Did I hurt you?”

  Hayden wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest, careful to position her away from his mark. The slightest touch from her had the blood rushing to his cock. It filled so fast his head spun and his shaft throbbed.

  “It’s not pain you caused, but we won’t have time to indulge again before—” Hayden was cut off by ringing from the computer.

  His heart slowed and his power came fully online at that moment. The council and his best friends had his back. No matter what happened now he wasn’t alone and wouldn’t be captured again.

  Pressing the accept call button, Hayden tightened his hold on Millie when she tried to step out of range when Zander’s and Evzen’s faces came into view with Killian behind them. Hayden could see the hall in the background telling him they were in the war room at Zeum.

  “Where the fuck have you been? We’ve searched for days. Izzy was nearly killed in the process.” Zander’s Scottish accent was thick as he growled at Hayden.

  Izzy’s voice floated from somewhere offscreen. “I wasn’t almost killed, dad. The soldiers never even got close to me.”

  Evzen had his staff gripped in his hand and he took one step closer to the camera. “Have you really been with a female for ten days without letting anyone know you were safe?”

  Zander’s eyes narrowed. “A human female at that. How did you hide your mantle from the shifters? Shite, Hayden I never took you for being irresponsible. You must know the alphas have had a helluva time controlling the packs.”

  Hayden jerked as if their words were physical blows. He hadn’t done anything except allow himself a couple hours to fuck Millie when he should have called them immediately.

  “Hayden didn’t leave his people of his own volition, so you need to stop yelling at him. He was imprisoned by,” her gaze shifted to him and she gave him a sad smile, “Me.”

  Curses echoed from the small computer speaker then Zander held up a hand and the room fell silent. “How did she get ahold of you? And how could you have led them right to us? Och, are you still so bent on revealing our existence?”

  Hayden’s chest constricted as his cheeks heated from shame. He had let them down, but not in the way they had assumed. “It’s a long story, but basically I let my guard down because of my attraction to my Fated Mate who was working for the government in a lab.”

  “That shouldna matter. You’re the fucking Omega. No one should get one over on you.” Zander’s eyes scanned what was visible of Hayden. “You’ve lost weight. What did your mate do to you?”

  “This conversation should be held in person.” Evzen interrupted Zander’s tirade, making Hayden want to hug the male. He didn’t want to discuss what Millie had done just yet. “Turn the computer so I can open a portal, Hayden.”

  “Get Bhric, Gerrick, Orlando and Santiago. I’m not going withoot more warriors,” Zander told someone off screen.

  Keeping hold of Millie, Hayden turned so his back was to the front door taking the computer with him. “There’s plenty of space to portal here. And we are in the mountains right now without any neighbors within a mile or more.”

  “Alright we’re coming through now. See you in a few,” Evzen said before ending the call.

  Hayden turned so he was leaning against the island and brought Millie into his side. Her heat scalded his mating brand driving him crazy, but he refused to give her any more space. He had no idea what Zander would do and wasn’t taking any chances.

  Energy prickled his senses, awakening his animals even further. The air thickened and wind danced through the room immediately. Followed by green, blue and purple lights that flashed in an oval shape across the space on the opposite wall. The colors swirled and the wind increased, carrying with it the smell of garlic and broiling meat.

  A second later the oval turned opaque then clear, revealing the grand entrance of Zeum. The familiar crystal chandelier and marble floors were overshadowed by the scowl on Zander’s face as he stepped through with his sgian dubh drawn.

  Bhric followed after him with his hands coated in ice while also clutching daggers. Gerrick, Evzen then Orlando and Santiago came through next. Izzy, Alex and Elsie were staring through the portal, but to Hayden’s surprise none of the females came through before the portal disappeared.

  Next to him his mate had gone stiff. Glancing over, he used a finger to close her gaping mouth. “Milagro Seijo, I’d like you to meet Zander and Evzen.” He gestured to the Vampire King and the Guild Master. “And this is Orlando and Santiago, two of my shifters as well as Dark Warriors. Bhric here is Zander’s brother and a warrior. And this is Gerrick, a Dark Warrior and one of Evzen’s sorcerers.”

  Zander took several menacing steps toward them while the others scanned the room. Gerrick headed up the stairs while Orlando and Santi looked out the windows. Hayden growled and crouched in front of his mate, partially shifting so he had a mouth full of sharp canines and claws on his fingers.

  “I’d stop right there, Vampire King. I will not hesitate to rip your throat out if you so much as lay a hand on my mate.”

  Millie placed a hand on Hayden’s back. He felt it shaking. “Don’t fight with your friends over me. We knew they would be upset. I’m prepared for that, but I would like to see you. All of you.”

  Hayden stood up, knowing what she wanted. His anger surged reminding him this is what she had wanted all along. Was this another ploy to get a sample from one of his animals?

  Rage boiled just below the surface, making it difficult to think straight. In the end Hayden refused to show her and dropped the shift before he turned to face her. Her face crumpled and she wrapped her arms around herself. He’d hurt her. The thought soured his stomach. Deciding he’d have to live with the discomfort. He wasn’t ready to forgive her yet. He needed to deal with that later, he faced Zander.

  “A lot has happened since I saw you last. I need to start by saying you are right, and I am sorry for not listening before. Although I think the Goddess was at work and trying to lead me to my Fated Mate.” At least that was the excuse he was going with.

  Zander backed down and shoved his weapons in the back of his pants. He pulled a bag over his shoulder and tossed it to Hayden. “I brought you some clothes that will fit. Now, you’d better tell us everything.”

  While he stood behind the island and changed, Hayden gave them a rundown of the events leading up to his capture and the moment he reached out to them. Leaving out the intimate moment between him and Millie, of course.

  Zander ran his hand through his shoulder length black hair. “Shite this is a fucking disaster. I canna believe you would do such a thing. I want to beat some sense into you, but I think the Goddess already made you pay for your mistake. I canna promise I will trust your mate anytime soon, but I willna try to harm her for what she did. The most important issue at the moment is dealing with the lab and the information the military now has on us.”

  “They have video of your fight with them. They recorded you guys disappearing. I told them that’s what happened to our kind when they were killed, but I doubt they bought it.” Hayden sat in a chair at the table and pulled Millie onto his lap.

  Zander and Evzen took a seat as well while the others remained on high alert.

ie looked for a way to escape the intense scrutiny. Her heart ached and all she wanted to do was curl into a ball and cry her eyes out. That wasn’t something she would ever do, so she sat on Hayden’s lap and endured their pointed stares.

  She watched Hayden talk to his friends about how they were going to get onto the base to take out the system. She’d discovered enough to know her machines were simply behind, but they would eventually produce the results she’d wanted. No forking way was she going to allow Jack to get his hands on that knowledge. Her mate and his kind would forever be hunted.

  “I’m sorry. I never should have allowed my greed for knowledge to prompt my behavior. I have to live with hurting a man when I carry part of his soul, apparently.” Millie shook her head wishing this was all a nightmare that would go away. Except Hayden. She wanted him in her life.

  Hayden brushed her hair aside and kissed the side of her neck. “I will eventually forgive you, mi alma. What’s important now is to focus on how we can ensure the safety of the Tehrex Realm.”

  “The what? What’s the Tehrex Realm?”

  Hayden’s breath blew across her shoulder in an erotic wave that sucked her under its sensual current. Her hips wiggled, pressing on his growing erection. His low growl only heightened her need. What stilled her movements was remembering how Hayden hadn’t trusted her enough to show her who he was.

  Hayden’s fingers tightened for a second on her hips. “The Tehrex Realm is the hidden world of supernaturals that humans are unaware of. We are self-sufficient and not reliant on your human government.”

  Millie bobbed her head. “It’s easier to understand that it is some other planet or something.”

  Hayden chuckled. “That would be the realm of Khoth.”