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Page 10

  Stan bobbed his head without making eye contact. “Will do, Doc.”

  Millie continued to the sink and washed her container, making sure to rinse each of the others in case there was any residue left behind. Someone made a pot of coffee while another said he was going to run his routine patrols. That would take him by Hayden’s cell.

  Over the past ten days they stopped going right up to the bars and barely glanced in his direction any more. Millie forced herself to remain calm and return to her office where she gathered her stuff together. She doubled back and grabbed the photo of her parents before she left it behind. There were a dozen other things she wanted to take with her but didn’t.

  Walking out with a box full of her stuff and her laptop would definitely raise eyebrows. Her heart raced as she trekked to the elevator for the umpteenth time that night. I am insane! What the fuck was I thinking?

  One thought about Hayden and she stopped that line of thinking. She couldn’t allow him to suffer another second. Sweat dripped down her spine and off her temples. Retrieving her keys, she stopped herself from racing to her car.

  “Night, Dr. Seijo,” Ed called out.

  She waved to him like she did every night. “Goodnight. See you tomorrow.”

  Shivers wracked her when the cool evening air. All that sweat was now freezing her. Fob in hand, she unlocked the door and climbed inside. Gripping the steering wheel, she sighed.

  “Hayden.” Her voice was barely above a whisper as she started the engine and backed out of her spot.

  Her heart kicked painfully into gear when there was no response. She opened her mouth to respond but closed it when he replied. “I’m here.”

  “Thank God. Okay, we will be off base in a couple minutes.”

  “I doubt I’ll ever stand straight again,” he grumbled. His voice carried authority even when he was locked in a trunk.

  “We’re pulling through now, so keep quiet.”

  “You’re leaving early tonight, Dr, Seijo.”

  “I’ve been working non-stop for ten days and need a break before I pass out.”

  “I’ve never known anyone that works harder than you do. See you tomorrow night.”

  That burning in her gut had quadrupled by the time the Gate guard lifted the arm and waved her through. They were finally leaving the base.

  Chapter 11

  Hayden rubbed the ache in his back as he watched Millie navigate the highway. She had pulled over to let him in the front seat a few minutes after they left the base. Now, they were heading away from the base and in the opposite direction of the local pack. He opened his mouth to object then thought better of it. He refused to lead her to his people and cause them even more problems. He held his hatred for her close and added several layers to the barrier surrounding his heart.

  “What made you change your mind and help me?” It was almost impossible to replace the shield he kept over his animals, but he forced it. He would never allow her to get her hands on anything that might help her mutate humans.

  Was that even possible? His gut churned with the first real food he’d had in almost two weeks and was worsened by his guilt. Of course, it wasn’t possible. He had been wrong about revealing the secret of their existence.

  Elsie had been changed from human to vampire only because the Goddess had intervened and saved her life. It was with that act that she had broken the mating curse she’d placed on the Tehrex Realm seven centuries earlier. It wasn’t possible to use any of their bodily fluids to transform a human into some kind of hybrid.

  Millie sighed and kept her gaze focused on the window in front of her. “Because I didn’t like what Jack forced me to do. It opened my eyes, so I finally saw the truth of the situation. I just couldn’t ignore the mistake that I had made any longer. There was no way I could allow Jack to hurt you any more.”

  Hayden’s eyes narrowed at the vehemence in her voice. Perhaps she really felt bad about what she’d done. Could he really take that chance? Yes! No! He wanted to repay her for what she’d done to him in kind while at the same time he wanted to strip her slowly and finally explore her body like he’d wanted for so long.

  No surprise there that two parts of him disagreed over what to do about his Millie. “What was in those injections you used to subdue me?”

  She shifted her gaze to him then away. “Why because drugs normally don’t affect you?”

  Hayden pursed his lips. He wanted to deny it, but she’d seen the answer to that firsthand. She’d given him countless injections with no response from him. “Correct. There are few substances that impact my kind and those that do usually involve…magic. And you’re not a witch.”

  Millie shook her head from side to side. “No, I’m not. I used some Vodun and Wiccan recipes and mixed them with a tranquilizer.”

  A smile spread across Hayden’s mouth despite the anger he was trying to hold onto. He was so damn proud of Millie. For a human she displayed undeniable intelligence and resourcefulness. She’d bested the Omega FFS! That wasn’t something any creature alive could claim. And the sheet of ice surrounding his soul shed a layer, letting her closer to him.

  “Impressive. Not many would have thought to apply what most consider folklore. Let alone have the knowledge needed to do it. How’d you get that information? And don’t bother with the whole, ‘google is my friend’ thing. The information out there doesn’t provide those useful details.” Hayden knew because Killian, the realm’s tech expert developed a program that searched for any hint of the supernatural and scrubbed it from the web. He suspected Marie took steps of her own to ensure the bare minimum was available about her and her people.

  Hayden tried to recall what Tia, his second in command’s mate, had told him about Vodun magic. Tia was a mambo to Marie Leveau, so she had the inside scoop on Vodun. It revolved around ritual magic, pseudo-gods, spirits and their ancestors. Wicca was based in nature. He could only imagine the concoctions Millie had learned.

  “I met a mambo in New Orleans in one of the Voodoo shops there. I also met a witch there. Both shared their histories and some practices with me.”

  Millie surprised him for the tenth time that night. “You are full of surprises, mi alma. Why would they do that?”

  Millie lifted one shoulder. “If you asked mi veija, she would tell you it’s because I’m meant for something extraordinary and people that are sensitive can feel it.”

  That peeked Hayden’s interest. What did her mother mean she was meant for something special? “Why would that matter? In my experience mambos are private. Witches more so.”

  “I’m not supposed to be alive at all. I should have died at birth, but I didn’t. My parents have always told me it was because God was watching out for me and intervened because he had plans. That’s why they named me Milagro. It means miracle.”

  Her story affected him more than he wanted to admit. The wall of hatred Hayden had wrapped around his heart melted a little more. “So where are you taking me.”

  “We couldn’t go to my house. That’s the first place Jack will search. I reached out to a third cousin and asked her to use her cabin. And before you ask, I have no idea what happens from there. I didn’t plan it all out. I should have withdrawn all the money from my account, so I had cash to use to get out of the freakin country. We won’t be safe anywhere.”

  Hayden paid partial attention to her as he considered what he was going to do. He had no intention of staying with her. He was out of the cell and feeling better by the minute. As soon as he had more of his strength back, he was gone.

  The question was whether or not he was going to take off and leave her to be found and tortured by Jack or force her to go with him. She’s going with us. He shook his head as his mantle of power spoke for his animals.

  Based on the tightening in his pants he could guess at what they wanted from her. Reinforcing the layer that he had erected to smother that side of himself, he recalled every second of torment he’d endured at her hands.

hands that ensured you weren’t harmed permanently throughout the process. That thought only added to his confusion. She had exited the highway a bit ago and they were heading higher up one of the nearby mountains. The headlights illuminated a rusted gate that had been propped open as she turned off the two-lane road they’d been on for a few minutes.

  He saw the two-story structure in the distance and opened his senses to search the area. Pushing the button to lower his window, scents bombarded him, lessening the intensity of the spicy coconut in the enclosed space.

  Still on high alert, Hayden sorted through everything looking for any sign of danger. A demon had traveled through the area several months ago and had moved on when there was nothing close for him to torture and kill. Humans had been here that day, but he didn’t smell any soldiers. During his time in captivity, he catalogued tiny details from the smell of their fatigues and boots to the gunpowder and acrid scent of the dart guns.

  Millie trusted they were safe and jumped from the vehicle then hurried to the porch. Hayden paused by the side of the car as he finished searching for large animals that might pose a threat.

  There were bears, wolves and big cats close by. To Hayden’s surprise they didn’t take off like he expected. It wasn’t until he remembered he was hiding his primal side. They wouldn’t be aware a bigger predator was in their midst.

  Satisfied they were safe, Hayden joined her as she removed the key from a potted plant on the railing. She flipped lights on as she entered, revealing an open space a lot like his house.

  For the first time since he’d been taken, he was able to relax. Not that he lowered his guard completely. He doubted he would ever do that in her presence. “This place is nice.”

  Millie smiled and dropped her bag on a side table next to a large leather sofa. “I love it here. We had a family reunion here a couple years ago and I fell in love right away. Katrina, my cousin, built this with her husband who is a general contractor.”

  Hayden looked over the open floor plan. There was no true entryway like most homes. It opened to the living room which led right into the dining room and kitchen. The fireplace wasn’t quite as elaborate as the massive stone structure in his home, but it was warm and inviting, nonetheless.

  “I’m going to take a shower. I am covered in days of grime and blood and chemicals.”

  Millie bobbed her head then her eyes flew open as she gasped. “I don’t have anything clean for you to wear. I don’t even have clothes for myself. Shit. I really fucked things up this time.”

  Hayden shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll go naked. No problem. I take it the bedrooms and bathrooms are upstairs?” He gestured to the staircase set in the corner of the large room.

  “Si, negro,” Millie replied as she headed in that direction. “I’ll see if there are any clothes in the master. Neither of us should go without something between us.”

  Hayden chuckled at the pink staining her cheeks. “I prefer to have you naked and beneath me, mi alma.” He was playing with fire by teasing her. He wanted to fuck her as badly as he wanted the shower. If he wasn’t careful, he would lose sight of his anger and forgive what she’d done.

  Millie had to admit Hayden had thrown her for a loop. He was sex on a stick, and she wanted to lick him clean. Yet, he made her question everything. She found some of her cousin’s clothes. Kat’s husband Marcus wasn’t as big as Hayden, but she hoped the sweats would fit him.

  She hurried through a shower of her own trying to ignore the arousal that heated her blood and made her moan when she scrubbed the soap over her skin. Hayden naked with his massive erection in hand popped into her head, making it difficult to keep her fingers from wandering between her legs.

  She shampooed her hair and climbed out without conditioning the long length. She needed to get out before she gave in and masturbated while imagining Hayden doing the same thing down the hall.

  A yelp escaped her when she reached for a towel. “What are you doing in here?” Her body trembled as Hayden stepped closer to her. His skin bordered on fever-hot and was kindling to her burning desire.

  Strong, calloused fingers guided her chin up, and he stole her lips in a searing kiss instead of answering her question. Electricity zapped her lips and arms where he grabbed her, adding fuel to her already raging fire.

  “I couldn’t resist the scent of your desire. I’m here to give you what we both want.” His words surprised her, but he didn’t give her a chance to deny his assertion.

  His eager tongue delved inside her mouth in long strokes, giving her what she had been craving since he’d kissed her last. She allowed him to guide her from the doorway and into the bedroom. She dropped her towel without using it.

  He paused and sat down on the edge of the mattress. His cock stood up hard and thick, pointing right at her. She swallowed and chewed on her bottom lip for a split second as she wondered if this was a good idea. He was big everywhere and it had been a while since was with a man.

  Fuck it. Ride him like a stallion, Millie. Crawling on the comforter, she straddled him and wrapped her arms around his neck, conceding to the chemistry between them. Perhaps if she had sex with him, she would get him out of her system and could think more clearly.

  Lowering her hips until her slick slit pressed against his hard length, she kissed a path down his neck, tasting the soap on his clean skin. “Bomboncita, you have to stop doing that.”

  “No quiero. I want more.” She arched her back as he ran his hands over her heated flesh. He took the water droplets with him, making her shiver. He looked like any regular man. Seeing him naked made her wonder if he really did turn into an animal.

  “Mmmm. But is that wise? We’re enemies, after all.” His words would have stung much worse if he hadn’t been kissing a trail across her neck. His sexy voice went straight to her core, which responded with an aching clench.

  “I don’t feel like your rival. And I certainly want to do nothing but give you pleasure.” She made a point to lower her head and kiss the incision down the middle of his chest. Seeing it killed some of her desire.

  Wanting to refocus on sexy times, she bit his earlobe. His groan was rough and husky and followed by his hands traveling from her back to cup her breasts. The electricity had become a steady stream of erotic tingles like the best vibrator she’d ever owned.

  His hot palms seemed to brand her nipples. Unsurprisingly, his touch flamed her arousal making her grind against his erection. She needed more stimulation. “I can set aside my animosity toward you if you can.” Surely, he didn’t really hate her. He had a sweet nickname for her. He wouldn’t call her a beautiful woman if he didn’t like her.

  “I’ve wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you.” She wanted to keep them focused on the pleasure and not her mistake. If she could take back what she’d done to him she would. She would tell him after they were done.

  His hands were teasing her nipples in the most delicious way at the moment. It felt natural between them. Like this was how they should always be with each other. Her heart swelled as his fingers danced around her areola to tease the underside of her breast.

  He placed warm, wet, openmouthed kisses along her collarbone, taking time to dip lower when he reached the middle. Her nipples hardened, needing attention from those full lips. “You taste like a pina colada. Fucking delicious.”

  “Oh….” Her response was lost when his lips claimed hers once again. Where his kisses had previously been gentle and coaxing, they were now dominant and insistent. They demanded her complete surrender with no stopping this time. Yes, please!

  She expected to have a moment of hesitation, but it never came. She had kidnapped and tortured him. She’d cut him open, injected him in an effort to steal his genetic code so she could use it to treat humans. Not exactly the best way to start a relationship.

  Her mind splintered when he pinched one of her nipples. Thankfully, none of her rational thoughts stopped the sensual hunger that was building to a painful level. Her body thrumm
ed with an eagerness that she had never experienced with another male. At that moment, all she could think about was that she had to have him. Every delicious inch.

  Breaking the kiss, she leaned back and looked him over, relieved to see that his bruises and cuts were completely healed. It eased some of the guilt lingering in her mind. Her eyes snagged on the tip of his erection as it glistened between her labia, shining with her arousal.

  A smile glittered in his dark eyes. “Hungry, Millie?” The deep vibrato when he said her name was a sound that she would never forget. This shifter held the key to every fantasy she’d ever harbored, and she wanted him to unlock that door regardless of whether or not he turned into a wolf or bear or whatever.

  That realization lifted a weight from her chest. She hadn’t even been aware it was an issue for her. With that out of the way, she was confident they could get past the remaining anger he harbored toward her.

  “Starving. I told my cousin to stock the pantry. I can make us something.” She loved teasing him and gave him a wink then licked her lips when her gaze dipped to the muscles of his chest.

  His smile grew until he was laughing. The sound of him so lighthearted and carefree was a gift, she thought. Even before she brought darkness upon him, Hayden wasn’t a male who laughed often or freely. He carried a great weight on his shoulders and she wanted to ease that burden for him.

  “I have a better idea.” He stood up with her in his hold. A moan slipped from her when his cock rubbed her clit. It shifted into an objection when he put her down. She was only joking about wanting food. “Spread your luscious thighs, Millie,” he ordered.

  Bending one knee, she let it fall to the side and ran a hand up her other thigh, skimming over the evidence of her desire. “Like this?” Her eyes went half-mast as she pressed her clit with her index finger.

  “Fucking perfect,” he vowed then pounced on her.

  She squealed and watched as he kissed his way down her body. Pausing at her breasts, he licked her nipples while one of his fingers traveled from her hip to the top of her slit and paused millimeters away from where she ached most.